4 Theses on B2B Marketing in 2021
2021 will be an interesting year of B2B space. Business to business may increase the effort this year because 2020 was disastrous. Events, leads, employer branding, and brands – what comes and what stays?
We would love to share with you expert secrets compiled from the research made by Subscriberz.com – it can become a powerful lead in 2021.
Virtual events are here to stay
Whether we like it or not: 2021 will be the year of virtual events. These become an integral part of the communication strategy of every B2B brand.
These formats create a new way of accessing information and make relationships between people and brands a virtual experience.
Whether physical events come back and when this happens plays a subordinate role here. Virtual formats will remain.
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The old lead song – if you don’t want to hear it, you have to go
Probably the marketers who started their digital lead management processes in 2020 and were able to fill the pipeline for sales even without trade fairs.
In 2021, the topic will finally experience the professionalism it deserves: Marketing will be a business driver. That’s why businesses should start building their own marketing automation softwares instead of spending heavily on such SaaS services. Companies like Sumatosoft are already providing wonderful services for such development activities.
And not only in relation to new customers, but also in terms of customer loyalty and cross-selling.
The Renaissance of Employer Branding
Home office, remote work, and virtual teams – how does this affect employer brands? How can I swear the team to the company’s purpose despite not being present? How can I win new colleagues for my virtual teams?
How are the working culture and working conditions changing? And central: How does all of this transform the employer brand? Lots of questions about a topic that will become more relevant in 2021.
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Digitalization is the key
The transformation of the company and product brands will also receive new momentum. The digitalization of all corporate areas gained the decisive moment thanks to the kick from 2020.
The change in framework conditions and classic business models is a decisive factor here. And new digital opportunities present B2B brands with the task of creating a framework for these transformations.
B2B brands have to live up to their original function: create trust and orientation.