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What Is a Cord Blood Registry?

A cord blood registry is a database of potential future users of cord blood. This helps parents to find a suitable donation partner for their child’s cord blood when the time comes.

Typically, a registry will have information on whether or not parents are willing to donate their child’s cord blood and, if they aren’t, whether or not they would consider being approached about it in the future.

There are many reasons why parents might choose to store their child’s umbilical cord blood. Perhaps they have some history of sickle cell anemia, or some other disease that can be treated with stem cells from cord blood.

In such cases, the parents will have registered with a public or private Cord Blood Registry in advance so that they can arrange for storage of their child’s cord blood at birth.

How to Find a Cord Blood Registry

If you are planning to store your baby’s cord blood, then you should start thinking about finding a storage facility while you are pregnant. You will need to do some research to find out which facilities are both reputable and affordable.

The first place to start your search is the website of the National Marrow Donor Program. This organization is the world’s largest non-profit stem cell bank, and it has a searchable database of cord blood banks.

You can use this database to find a facility near you and to get an idea of the cost involved. You also might want to ask your doctor for a recommendation.

Physicians tend to have a good understanding of the various issues involved in storing cord blood, and they may be able to point you in the right direction.

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Why Store Cord Blood?

There are a number of diseases and conditions for which cord blood can be a potential treatment. They include: Cancer – In many cases, cancer can be treated, or even cured, with a stem cell transplant.

A stem cell transplant uses healthy cells to replace damaged or diseased cells. If you don’t have a matching donor, you can use cord blood stored at a public bank. Blood diseases – Diseases such as sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, or immune system disorders can be treated with a stem cell transplant.

Infectious diseases – Diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, and bacteria can be treated with a stem cell transplant. Organs – Stem cells can be used to repair damaged organs such as the heart, kidney, liver, or pancreas.

What is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing cord blood for potential future use. When a baby is born, a significant amount of blood remains in the umbilical cord and the placenta.

This blood is rich in stem cells, which can be used to treat diseases that the child and his or her siblings might inherit. Cord blood is typically collected after the baby is delivered, but before the placenta is removed from the uterus.

The blood is then transferred to a cryogenic storage facility where it is frozen. This preserves the stem cells so that they can be used when needed. There are several different options available when it comes to storing cord blood.

You can store the blood with a private company and pay a fee each year to keep it on hand, or you can donate it to a public facility for free.

What Is a Cord Blood Bank?

A cord blood bank is a facility where umbilical cord blood is stored for potential future use. Public banks are free and nonprofit, while private banks charge a fee for their services. Private banks store your cord blood for future use.

Public banks store cord blood that is collected from expectant parents who plan to donate it to medical research. You can search online to see if there’s a public or private bank near you.

Some banks may charge you a fee to store your child’s cord blood, while others may not. It’s smart to research various banks and make sure you understand their services before deciding which one to use.

Cord Blood Registry Advantages

The biggest advantage is convenience. You won’t have to deal with the logistics of storage and retrieval, or the emotional decision of whether or not to donate the cord blood. – You will have access to a large number of potential donation partners.

This will greatly expand your options when the time comes. – You will have a better chance of finding a match for any potential future use of the cord blood.

Disadvantages of Cord Blood Registries

The biggest disadvantage of a public cord blood registry is that you have no control over who will end up with your child’s stem cells if they are used for treatment.

Parents of public donors can only select whether or not their child’s cord blood is used for a family member or another individual with the same condition. They do not get to select the recipient or specify who receives the donation.

How to Choose a Cord Blood Registry?

One of the first things you should do when you are thinking about storing your child’s umbilical cord blood is to find a good cord blood registry. Some of the biggest ones are listed below.

Once you have found a registry, you will need to create an online profile. This will include information on whether or not you want to be contacted about donating your child’s cord blood.

You may also want to include some health history information, such as whether or not you or your partner have a history of genetic diseases. This will help potential donors to find you more easily. To help you get started, here is our list of the top cord blood registries.

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Bottom Line

Cord blood banks have been helpful in treating and curing many diseases, and they have shown great promise in the field of regenerative medicine.

Because of the time, effort, and cost involved in storing cord blood, many parents choose to donate their child’s cord blood to a public bank for use by other patients. This is an altruistic act that will benefit society as a whole.

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